
This blog started in August 2006 only to help friends keep up with us and our travels, with a very strong emphasis on food and wine. My friends are scattered all over the world, and me and my husband T. change locations very often as well. Being freelancers and having been bitten by the travel bug do that to you. But my statistics tell me almost a thousand people are visiting my page each day to read the newest or to search for information on specific food and recipes, or locations. As much as I love being “gesellig”, I don’t believe I have that many friends.

So here are some tidbits about me, for those who don’t know me personally. For more on me and my life, you have to keep on reading the food vagabond!

Born (in 1970) and raised in Istanbul, Turkey, in a multicultural family. German citizen since 2004, but feels herself European. Her favorite city to live in (not just visit) is Munich. Lived in the USA and Italy for a couple of years, as well. Loves eating, drinking wine, cooking, travelling and reading. If possible, all of the above combined and enjoyed with friends. Has no children. Has currently no pets. Has three most-beloved persons in her life: T. is always here, one E. is two thousand km away and the second E. on the other side of the ocean. Had three and a half very different careers, has just started the fourth one (it is about wine!) in Rome this year. Loves sourdough bread with butter, real cheese, bloody meat and bitter chocolate. Will eat (and enjoy) almost anything. Drinks water without gas but is very fussy about it, maybe as fussy as with her wine. Despises fava beans in shells. Lives to eat and drink, not the other way around.

Current Location: Rome, Italy.

I also blog about wine in the German food community küchengötter.

You can learn more about me in this interview.

17 Responses

  1. I just came upon your blog through the delicious days, reading the pizzoccheri recipe.
    You seem such an interesting bunch of people… and so close to us (relatively speaking, as we are on a Greek island) compared to all the US food bloggers…
    I wish I had more time to read all your recipes and travel adventures…
    One question. How come you all write in English and not in German?

  2. Aglaia,
    thanks for visiting my blog and the compliments!
    I can’t talk for all my fellow bloggers, but the reason I write in English is two fold: I am neither a native German speaker and nor did I ever learn it in a school. Although I am often told that I speak perfect German, when I write I do make mistakes, which I would like to avoid in a blog!
    Second, this blog (I guess as many others on the blogosphere) started out as a “keeping in contact” site where I try to reach friends in Turkey, Germany, Spain, Italy and the USA. The highest common denominator language-wise between these was English (in which I have been schooled for a long time), so I started writing in English and felt very comfortable. Now food vagabond is read by people all over the world (not only friends!) and I think this is also due to my decision to write in English.

  3. I totaly agree! I doubt that we could communicate if you were writing in Greman or any other language. I think you are doing a GREAT job with the blog and recipes.
    Kepp up the good work!
    Maybe one day your travels may bring you to our island (check our webside).

  4. Hi,
    Nice to see another English blogger in Stuttgart! We have a group blog at the above link, Serena has a food blog, and I have a chocolate blog. Loved your recent post on Turkish food. Amazing.

  5. Karen,
    I googled and found bella stuttgart, what a nice project. And: Have to keep away from your chocolate blog, it will be my death!

  6. Edit: No real email address, no comment; der geneigte leser!

  7. Great, great blog. Keep up the good work.
    Here is a sample of some New Orleans food I have been working on: http://gumbofile.wordpress.com/

  8. Hallo, ich habe gerade meinen eigenen blog gestartet, bin also noch ziemlich neu mit der materie. Der blog ist wie deiner englisch gehalten. Gibt’s in der blog-welt irgend welche regeln die ich befolgen solte oder boards auf denen man diskutieren sollte?

  9. Hallo Stefan, ich habe Dir ein Mail geschrieben!

  10. Great to see others talking about the food I love ( I love all kind of food but especially turkish food).

  11. Ja Hallo… da quäl ich mich durch das englische Rezept mit den Walnut Wedges (schande über mich, habe selbst einmal in USA gelebt) und stelle dann fest dass ich es mit einer Landsmännin zu tun habe… wow effekt würde ich sagen… awesome and unbeliveble good english…
    Ich lasse Dir hier einen lieben Gruss aus Landshut (kennst Du ganz bestimmt) und erkunde nun weiter Deinen super Blog!!!
    Ganz liebe Grüße aus dem grauen Bayern.

  12. Tschô Nicole
    Dommage que le site soit en anglais, car il est vraiment bien présenté. Je comprends un tout petit peu. Quant aux quantités telles que “tsp ” et “tbsp” je n’y comprends rien de rien. Je suppose qu’il s’agit de mesures en cuillères.
    J’ai fait votre connaîssance dans le journal cuisine de saison/février 09. J’espère que votre livre delicious days sera aussi édité en français ainsi j’aurai bien du plaisir à me l’offrir.
    Neila de la Suisse romande

  13. Hello Hande
    I have been reading through some of your posts and archives – quite wonderful and slightly awe inspiring. Your wine and restaurant writing is particulary wonderful (We live in very different parts/ cicles of the city in every sense- I mean that in a good way.)
    I am really interested in your new project VIno Roma (hope I got the name right) Both Vincenzo and I are enthusiastic and curious about wine, I will subscribe so I can keep up to date and hopefully we will get to join a group one day – or maybe even put one together I have lots of wine eager visitors.
    I am very glad to be in touch.

  14. This is a wonderfully enjoyable blog! I hope I will get a chance to experience one of your wine tastings when I’m in Rome later this month.

  15. I found your blog while researching my trip to Istanbul. You are right – that city is indescribable. I have never encountered such warm and hospitable people. And the food, ahhh…. Amazing.


  16. Hello Hande,

    I really enjoyed meeting you if so briefly at the bloggers evening. I knew we had more than food in common, we are both 1970 girls and love butter on bread. I prefer salted butter to Italian unsalted, with homemade jam is my favourite breakfast. Hope to see you soon,


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